Thursday, October 24, 2013

Basket Cleaning

We don't have a huge house, but it is spread over three floors so toys get strung out all over during the day. It seems as if I can spend a lot of time picking up toys every night. The thing that frustrates me most is coming into our bedroom after a long day to be welcomed by a room full of toys. 

I don't mind that the kids play in our room. In the summer, oftentimes it is the only room in the house that catches a nice breeze. But, I still don't like a room cluttered with toys. As hard as I try, I cannot be at peace with a messy room. 

After many failed attempts at reminding these little people to carry their toys off to another room, I put a basket in our room. At the end of each day all the toys and books go into the basket. Then, on Saturday, we carry the basket through the house and return the toys to their homes. 

So far, it has worked for us.

On Saturdays (when I am attempting to do a good pick-up of the house -- the remains of a week of toy-shuffling and school projects), I take a laundry basket from each room. I start in one room, and, as I clean, I put things in the basket that don't belong in that room. Working from room to room, I put things away that are in the basket. This "basket cleaning" has saved me SO much running around, up and down steps.

Now, if only I can figure out how to get the laundry to fold itself and put itself away!!!

What works for you? What makes your cleaning easier?

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