Saturday, October 5, 2013

Mr. Fix-It

Our refrigerator had been leaking. And I mean, really leaking. In fact, Matthew was first aware of the problem when there was a puddle of water in the BASEMENT that had leaked through the floor. I knew it was leaking, and figured that since it was 14 years old, it was just breaking down. I was diligently trying to keep up with soaking up the water by putting dishtowels in the bottom of the refrigerator. But I couldn't keep up.

One Friday evening, I came home with the kids to find this:

Matthew had taken apart the freezer. Now, Matthew can fix a lot of things around the house and has mastered hanging things in our brittle plaster walls, but he has no experience with refrigerators and freezers. 

My first thought: We are going to be canceling our evening plans of a 6-mile bike ride, and instead we will be spending our Friday evening at an appliance store. I was NOT looking forward to shopping for a new refrigerator with three active children opening and shutting (and quite possibly climbing inside) aisles of refrigerators. I was NOT looking forward to driving back to town.

Amazingly, within two hours, my husband had solved the problem and put the refrigerator back together. You would laugh if I told you HOW he fixed it. But, for the last three weeks, there has been no water leaking from the refrigerator, and I have more dishtowels in the kitchen!!

Let the record state that even after 13 years of marriage HE NEVER CEASES TO AMAZE ME!!! I have complete faith that he can fix ANYTHING. 

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