Saturday, October 5, 2013

Our Fall Campout

We had been planning a camping trip with some good friends, Ryan and Ashley. We finally set a date and started making plans. Less than a week before our camping trip, we got a message from another family that wanted to camp on Friday night also. Fun! So, our little camping group grew from 10 people to 14. Then, the day before our camping trip, another family said they were planning to camp that same night. We ended up with 15 people and one energetic dog sharing a campfire, good food and great memories.

What can I say about our trip? The weather was perfect. The food was great. The company was outstanding. The location was semi-remote. Emily entertained us with her blue and black lizard. Our tents stood all night. The big kids got to go jeeping the next morning. And nobody got hurt. All the marks of a great camping trip!

Helping Daddy build a fire ring and fire

Megan holding Madi

Megan and Ryley, and a cool photo effect from the smoke

Setting up camp

Buddies sharing toys -- Eli & Elijah

Time to eat and hang out

Ellie & Madi

Ryley, Megan, Eli & Macy

Some of us could have used a few more hours sleep!!

Awesome pancakes for breakfast! Why does everything taste better cooked over a fire?

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