Monday, October 13, 2014

Fall Camping Trip

We try to take at least one camping trip a year. Isn't it nice to get away from technology and distractions and explore and enjoy the great outdoors. After all, God's creation is amazing!

Ok. I have to be honest. I don't love sleeping in the tent. It is nice to hear the coyotes at night. And it is relaxing to hear nature sounds and enjoy the fresh air and feel the coolness of the morning. But, we need to invest in some nice air mattresses to get a better night's sleep. Every air mattress we have bought has lasted a few trips. And then, all of the sudden, you go to sleep on your air mattress, in complete comfort, and by morning you are on the hard ground.  Uggghhhh!

But, aside from the uncomfortable night's sleep, camping is awesome. There is something absolutely wonderful about food cooked over a fire. Sitting around the fire watching hot embers. Watching smoke ascend to the stars. Good conversation. The warmth of the fire. Family memories.

I am very impressed with Eli's respect for fire safety. At this distance, Eli can expect his hot dog to be cooked by early next week!!!

Truck beds make GREAT tables!

So glad Grandma stopped by for supper!

Mickey Mouse joined us!


Breakfast is my favorite meal. I also like pancakes over the fire!!

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