Monday, October 20, 2014

Learning About Fall Fruits!

On the way to church yesterday I saw a beautiful fall display in front of a house and chuckled to myself. If I were from another country, particularly one where food was scarce and the convenience of a garden was not available, I would think it especially odd to see people decorate with vegetables and fruit. Who would think of decorating with edible squash? Especially when their children are hungry and need nutrition. 

We see the beauty in the colors and appreciate the unique shapes. It reminds us that the harvest is bountiful and that God has blessed us with more than we need. We certainly live in a land of plenty and have no room for complaining. 

We took a little field trip to Harvestville Farms in Donnellson, IA. We met up with another family to spend a beautiful fall afternoon. We learned a lot, as well as had some time to play! 

I had no idea there were so many different varieties of gourds, pumpkins and squash! We brought home a few new varieties of squash to try out, and a few gourds to make into birdhouses this spring.

These Pink Banana Squash are said to resemble pumpkin once cooked. After you bake it, you can use it in any pumpkin recipe, or freeze for later. Looking forward to some pink banana squash pie this fall! But -- shhhh -- don't tell my kids. They don't think they like squash!

This is such a unique pumpkin -- a peanut pumpkin.

Making our way through the corn maze. 

Emily searched high and low for her perfect treasure. 

Ezra liked the bumpy ones too!

Megan like the "roller" slide. I thought it looked a little rough, but she didn't seem to mind.

This little guy can't turn down a ride on ANYTHING with wheels. 


  1. Thanks for the experience Valerie and the pictures1

  2. Looks like a fun trip! I have one birdhouse gourd growing in my garden. I'm not sure where I'm going to put it to dry out for the winter. :)
