Monday, October 13, 2014

Homeschool Skating

One thing we all look forward to each week is Homeschool Skating. 

On the first Monday of the month, the Outskirts roller skating rink in Macomb is open from 1 to 3 p.m. for area families. It is a great time for social interaction -- for the kids and for me. It is great for me to get together with other moms and share our homeschool experiences with each other! 

And, what great exercise for the kids! They always sleep well after a few hours on wheels!

I took a few video to share with Matthew since he rarely has the opportunity to see the kids roller skating. I'll share them below. I apologize that I cannot turn them. 

I have NO idea what Eli is doing here. He is a little man of many, many expressions!

They say to skate safely, you must first learn how to fall safely.
Apparently, Eli likes to practice falling safely.

Emily is getting more and more comfortable on skates. She was hesitant to try the limbo on wheels, but is now loving it!

Megan was pretty slow to learn to skate after taking a hard fall which resulted in an emergency trip to our wonderful dentist to replace a broken front tooth. I am proud of her for being so comfortable to skate without her mouthguard! She is finally able to enjoy the rink again!


  1. We sure enjoy it too Valerie. I look forward to seeing all the moms and visiting. Eli and Ezra had a blast together, racing to the door1

  2. We do too. It is great exercise and a great time to get out of the house and just have fun!! Eli loved playing with Ezra too!
