Monday, October 13, 2014

Gourds Galore!!!

I learned a valuable lesson during one of my first years gardening. 
It was this: A family does NOT need 8 zucchini plants.
This year we learned the same lesson with gourds.

Actually, I learned a second lesson this year.
Gourds do NOT belong in the garden because they will overtake your other vegetables.

And, Emily learned something in her 4-H gardening book.
You can scratch on immature pumpkins/gourds and they will form a scab as they grow. Here is a heart that she carved in this gourd when it was still young and growing. She also did one with Megan's name on it. 

Isn't nature cool????

We have had an abundance of gourds this year. We have given a lot away, and still seem to have plenty to decorate every nook with a reminder of fall!

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