Thursday, October 16, 2014

Mop It Up

True confessions. I love my mop. It isn't actually the mop that I love. In fact, I have an inexpensive mop that frequently tangles itself up when I use the clever twisting mechanism to drain the mop. So, I don't really love the mop. But I love a clean floor. 

I love to walk across the room without sticking to a "mystery spot." I love the smell and feel of a freshly mopped floor. But, for some reason that freshly mopped feeling, look and smell doesn't last long.

Mopping is an invitation. It is an invitation for every open container which holds a wet, sticky substance to unexplainably be bumped, toppling over onto the floor to create a small mound, puddle or pond. It is a pleading for dripping popsicles and pitchers of juice. It calls to muddy boots. It begs for forkfuls of spaghetti drenched in red pasta sauce. It is as if the floor becomes a magnet for anything that could disturb the cleanness!

You remember the movie "Field of Dreams"? Do you remember the voice that Kevin Costner's character would hear? He repeatedly got the message: "If you build it, they will come." Well, for a mom with a mop the message goes something like this: "If you mop it, they will spill." As soon as the faucet is turned on to fill the bucket the whispering begins, and you know that your efforts will bring such short-term satisfaction.

It's ok. Really. Spills can be temporarily mopped up with paper towels or kitchen towels until all the little ones are tucked into bed and the mop makes its appearance once again. 

I think I am like our kitchen floor. I LOVE Lamentations 3:22-23:
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
    for his compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.

I need God's compassion and love and mercy every morning. Isn't it great to climb out of bed in the morning and know that the day has not been blemished -- yet. Just like the freshly mopped floor. Inevitably, I will fail someone. I will lose my temper. I will trust in myself instead of putting my faith in God. I will blame someone unjustly. I will speak without love. I will break my word. I will be unforgiving.

And, just like the kitchen floor, I need a little cleaning up. Every day.

Thank you, God, for "mopping up" my sins and allowing me to start fresh each morning. Forgive me for failing you -- daily. 

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