Friday, October 17, 2014

Apple Picking Fun

"Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why."  

I was more than excited when Annetta called and asked us to pick apples. She is always fun to hang out with and I am so thankful for her generosity. We have had fresh apples and applesauce or apple crisp or baked apples every day since apple picking. 

Thank you  Annetta! We appreciate the delicious fresh fruit so much!

Rhett inspects a Red Delicious apple.
Eli got in on the picking . . .
and the eating!

The yellow delicious tree has an abundant crop!

Emily was always in search
of the "perfect apple."

And there was some climbing!

Rachel shows off her apple picking skills!

Annetta takes a minute to chat with Eli.

Julie gives her seal of approval.

Along with apples, we picked up English walnuts!

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